商品系列: ESG 限定產品

We are honored to participate in the meaningful "Local Original Farming Bar 🧑🏻‍" project, which is led by LOUDER, a Hong Kong-based original branding hub, whose concept is to provide a comprehensive retail platform to support local creativity, and at the same time to support the local farming organization, Yi Farm.

One Flower has always wanted to incorporate sustainable elements into our floral products, and this is the first time the brand has done so by combining raw materials from the farms with floral elements.

🛒200 pieces of handmade products will be exclusively available at Louder. 💡 Interested in knowing how we come out with this meaningful project, please read blog post A & Post B & watch youtube

1 項產品
  • LOUDER 獨家 - SHINE 多功能開運瓶 雞蛋花主題